Around the world we find numerous traditions that we can consider strange or curious. Each culture has developed different social customs that are far from the ones we have in our own country. For example, there are great differences between the western and eastern world.
Below you have an index with all the points that we are going to deal with in this article.
Article Index
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This continent includes various cultures that have their particular customs. Their history and the climate of the area have influenced them.
Central European countries
In Central Europe we find the Netherlands, a state commonly identified by the name of The Netherlands. In this country, the most popular means of transport is the bicycle. It is estimated that there are about 18 million bicycles for 16 million inhabitants. In addition, they have more than 100.000 kilometers of road enabled for them.
As for Germany, the Oktoberfest it is his most famous party. In Munich it begins on the first Saturday after September 15 and has been celebrated since 1810. In this article you can read more customs of this country: Traditions in Germany.
Nordic countries
In this area, specifically in Sweden, a curious party is organized called Crayfish party: the crab tasting fair. In it, families and friends get together to try this product. It takes place between August and September.
In Finland the nordic walking. It is a type of sport in which you walk with the help of two poles similar to those of skiing. In this way, endurance is improved.
Do not forget that in this country is the house of Santa Claus. If you want to know other Christmas customs, you can read the following article: Christmas in the world: main customs and traditions.
English-speaking countries
Anglo-Saxon countries are those in which English is the official language. In the case of Europe, we find the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta.
If there is a tradition that identifies Great Britain, it is that of drinking tea. It began to be practiced in the s. XVII, although it was not until the s. XIX when it acquired more fame.
This action is popular especially in England, where some companies allow their workers to take a break to consume this drink. The official time is between 3 and 5 in the afternoon, although currently it is taken at any time.
Baltic countries
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are considered Baltic countries. However, there are more territories surrounding the Baltic Sea, such as Denmark, Russia or Poland.
In Latvia, the Miķeļdiena Fair marks the autumnal equinox, when day and night are the same. It takes place during a weekend, in which markets with seasonal products and crafts are set up.
En Russia it is typical to give roses to any event: a date, a birthday, etc. However, you should never give a odd number, as it is a symbol of bad luck.
Mediterranean countries
The countries bathed by the Mediterranean Sea boast an enviable climate and a calm lifestyle. In the case of Greece, there are numerous superstitions that have been accumulating in its culture.
For example, it is quite unlucky to see a black cat and a priest on the same day. In addition, you must always carry a coin or bill, since it is said that money attracts money.
Another strange custom is that of spit three times when bad news is heard. In the event that two people say something at the same time, they both say kiss kokkino, Meaning touch red, and they rush to find something of this color.
In France they preserve the religious tradition of celebrating the first communion twice: once at the age of eight (little communion) and another at twelve (big communion). In the second a major party is organized.
As for Spain, various celebrations are organized throughout the year. One of the most characteristic is that of Las Fallas, in Valencia, where large monuments are erected and then burned on the last day of the festivities.
In Asia different religions and cultures converge, so each of them has different customs.
Arabian countries
In Iran, the taarof, considered the art of excessive education. These rules of behavior have Persian origin and it is important to know them.
If an Iranian offers you something, you should refuse it several times. If he insists three times, then you will have to accept it. Something similar happens in small stores, where making a simple purchase will take you some time.
Another custom in the Arab world is to eat with the hands, particularly with the right. They usually don't use tables, but instead place the food on a mat or rug and sit around it.
Also, in Jordan, if you are invited to have coffee, you have to accept, as it is a symbol of hospitality. If you finish it and don't want more, you will have to shake the cup from side to side.
Eastern Asia
The Japanese are extremely polite. So much so that they have four types of bows, used at different times in everyday life:
- eshaku: head tilts 15 degrees. It is practiced by co-workers of the same rank or by bosses when greeting their subordinates.
- futsuurei: it is 30º. It is used to greet a superior or welcome a client.
- Teineirei: the inclination reaches 45º. It is to thank or apologize.
- Saikeire: is an inclination of 90º. It is reserved to ask for an important favor or to apologize for a serious mistake.
In China, when gifts are given and taken, it is done with both hands. In addition, these are not opened in front of the person who has given them and cannot be stored in the pockets of the pants.
Hebrew culture
In Israel the official religion is Judaism. Therefore, the Gregorian calendar is not followed, but the Hebrew one. This takes into account both the cycle of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon. A new day is not counted starting at midnight, but when night falls.
The most important day for Jews is Tisha b'Av. It is considered the saddest day in Jewish history, since among other acts, the First Temple and the Second Temple in Jerusalem were destroyed.
On his calendar, this day corresponds to the 9th of av (the eleventh Hebrew month). In the Gregorian yearbook, it varies between the last fortnight of July and the first of August.
On that date, from night to noon, we find great restrictions, since it is forbidden to eat, drink, bathe, wear leather shoes and have sex.
Hindu culture
The people of India are usually quite classy. For this reason, it is normal for them to ask another person about their studies, their work or their marital status, even if they have just met.
Weddings are formalized by agreements between families, which are usually of the same caste and of a similar status. The bride's family has to pay the groom a dowry.
The celebration of a new marriage is long and different activities are carried out in it. For example, the bride and groom have to go around a bonfire three times, considered a sacred fire.
Latin America
The culture of Latin America is characterized by a combination of indigenous and Spanish traditions.
Central America
One of the Central American countries is Mexico. Here highlights the celebration of Day of the Dead, between November 1 and 2. It is believed that on this date the deceased return from beyond. Therefore, families go to cemeteries with the deceased's favorite food and music is even played.
In this country, the cult of death dates back to pre-Columbian times. If you are more curious about the attitude in Latin America towards death, you can visit this article: Customs and behaviors in the face of death in Latin America.
In the case of Nicaragua, between January 17 and 27 a curious play is staged: the Guegüense. It is a satirical show in which some are disguised as Spaniards and others as mestizos.
Costa Rica is a State with a high Catholic tradition. One of its most important festivals is the Pilgrimage of the Virgen de los Ángeles, in which about 2 million people participate each year. In it, you travel about 22 kilometers until you reach Cartago.
South America
Chewing coca leaves is common in areas of Peru and Bolivia located more than 3.000 km above sea level. With this, the effects of altitude are mitigated, since this plant stimulates the nervous system. In Colombia they also consume a different food: ants.
El Tango He was born in Argentina among the marginal classes. From the XNUMXth century on, it became popular and today it is considered a whole language. In Buenos Aires the importance of this dance is immense.
A different celebration of Venezuela is that of the dancing devils of Yare. At this festival, people dress up as devils and celebrate the victory of good over evil. If you want to know the rest of the country's peculiarities, you can visit this article: Venezuelan traditions and customs: when and where they are celebrated.
But if there is a place where Carnival is relevant, it is in Brazil, specifically in Rio de Janeiro, where more than two million people celebrate it every year.
El Caribe
In Jamaica, one of the islands in the Caribbean Sea, Bob Marley was born, the king of reggae, a style of music that is part of a religion known as rastafarian movement.
In Cuba they have some characteristic traditions when celebrating a wedding. One of them is that if you want to dance with the bride, you will first have to put some money in her dress.
North America
North America is characterized by its cultural diversity. Although the official language is English, many languages can be heard. The same is true of religions.
The most important celebration is the Thanksgiving Day. In the United States it is celebrated on the last Thursday in November and in Canada on the second Monday in October. The whole family gathers in it to share a succulent dinner in which turkey is the main dish.
In much of the United States, the age of majority is 18 years of age. However, you can drive from the age of 16 and those under 21 are not allowed to buy alcoholic beverages.
In restaurants in this area, you should leave a tip of around 15% of the total price. However, depending on how the service has been, it may be higher or lower.
Canada, located to the north, is a country with a cold climate. For this reason, in February the Winter Carnival is organized, in which impressive ice sculptures are built. The most famous is that of Quebec City.
Morocco is located in North Africa. In this country the meals are usually abundant, so it is not rude to leave leftovers on the plate. If a Moroccan invites you to lunch, remember to listen to the host's prayer before starting.
Somalia, located to the east, is a territory made up of many nomadic peoples. The same is true in Kenya, where the Masai and Luo tribes are found. If you want to know the customs of these towns, you will find them in the following article: Indigenous customs of the world, their customs and traditions.
In Nigeria, homosexuality is prohibited. Therefore, it can impact that men are caught from the hand. However, for them, this has a meaning of friendship and is completely normal. In contrast to this country, in this article you can find other more tolerant territories: The 15 most gay-friendly countries in the world.
Egypt it is a muslim country. Therefore, they follow the precepts of Islam. Among these is the fact of not eating meat, as well as fasting during the holy month, the Ramadan.
Oceania is a continent made up of more than 20.000 islands. Of the ethnic group Maori comes a typical greeting known as hungary. This consists of joining the heads, leaving nose to nose. You should stay with your eyes closed for a few seconds.
In the case of New Zealand, highlights a dance called haka, which was practiced by warriors before starting to fight. With this, they managed to motivate themselves and frighten the enemies.
Today, it is famous thanks to the national rugby team, who practice it before every match. In the following video you can see an example:
En Australia, the most important holiday is celebrated on January 26: the Day of Australia. Events are organized in all cities, including beach parties and concerts. The arrival to the country of Arthur Phillip, the founder of Sydney, is celebrated.
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