The documentation and requirements to travel to Argentina depend on the nationality of each tourist, the length of stay and the purpose of their trip. If it is for tourist purposes, the maximum period of stay in the country is 90 days.
Below you have an index with all the points that we are going to deal with in this article.
Article Index
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Required Documentation
Among the papers that are needed to visit the Argentine Republic, present a valid passport It is an essential requirement, regardless of whether you need a visa or not. We recommend you consult the section 1.1. Do I need a visa to go to Argentina? for detailed information on this.
The maximum period of stay in the country is 90 days (3 months). There is the possibility of extending this period of time one more time, which would allow a stay of 180 days (6 months) maximum.
Those who wish to extend their stay for tourism must complete the required procedures before the originally granted period expires. To proceed with the application, you must appear in person at one of the delegations of the National Directorate of Migration.
In the cases of dual citizenshipIf, for example, a citizen has an Italian and Argentine passport, they can enter and leave the country just by presenting their Italian passport accompanied by the National Identity Document (DNI), without having to also present the Argentine.
Do I need a visa to go to Argentina?
Depending on their country of origin, a foreign citizen may or may not need a tourist visa to enter Argentina. In any case, a Spanish or national of other Latin American countries will not need a visa for a tourist visit.
Nationals of any of the following countries or communities do not need a visa as long as your stay is equal to or less than 90 days:
- B: Brazil, Bolivia
- C: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica
- E: Member States of the European Union (EU), United States of America, El Salvador, Ecuador
- G: Guatemala
- H: Honduras
- M: Mexico
- N: Nicaraguan
- Q: Panama, Paraguay, Peru
- A: Dominican Republic
- U: Uruguay
- V: Venezuela (max. 60 days)
Since 2008, the Argentine Republic charges a Reciprocity rate which amounts to 100 US $ for the entry of citizens from Australia and Canada. The United States has been exempt since March 2016.
Holders of ordinary passports issued by the following countries do not require a visa if the duration of the trip is equal to or less than 30 days: Grenada, Hong Kong (only with British BNO passport), Malaysia and Jamaica.
The rest of the nationals must present a tourist visa in order to travel to this South American country. In addition, citizens from Kosovo, Nauru, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Tuvalu and Taiwan require a Travel certificate.
What do you need to travel with children?
When a person under 18 years of age is going to visit Argentina, a series of specific requirements must be met that guarantee the child safety during your stay in the country.
If a minor travels alone, with one of his parents or with third parties, he must carry the following documents:
- Identity document or passport from your country of origin (original and photocopy)
- Residence certificate (original and photocopies)
- Birth certificate of the minor (original and photocopy)
- ID of the accompanying adults, if any, both parents and third parties
- If one of the parents died, the death certificate (original and photocopy) must be presented
It should be taken into account that, if the child travels with one of his parents, the procedure must be carried out by the authorizing parent, that is, the one who does not travel. On the other hand, if the child is going to travel alone, the authorization of both parents must be provided.
Requirements to arrive by car
Although most tourists decide to visit Argentina By plane, and more today with the wide availability of flights For international tourism, the truth is that from other South American countries it can be very comfortable to travel by land as well.
However, these are the requirements that they ask from the National Customs Service, related to personal and vehicle documentation:
- Vehicle registration certificate and certificate of Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV)
- Proof of compulsory insurance
- Green card: for the exclusive use of the vehicle owner
- Blue card: valid for the person or persons authorized to drive the vehicle, if any
- All these documents must be accompanied by the National Identity Card or valid passport
The regulations of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) understand as personal luggage all new or used goods that can be reasonably used or consumed by a passenger during their stay, including objects intended to be a gift.
Items such as a photographic camera, laptop or video camera must be declared and exhibited before the customs service, as well as being registered using the OM 121 form. In this way, passengers avoid paying tariffs levied on the import on your return home.
Travel with pets
They can be entered domestic animals (dogs and / or cats) as long as they have a special authorization from Senasa (National Service of Health and Food Quality). Through this procedure, 2 essential documents are obtained:
- Zoosanitary certificate
- Proof of rabies vaccination (pets over 3 months of age)
Both must be signed by a qualified veterinarian and translated into Spanish if they were originally in another language. In addition, the zoosanitary certificate must ensure that the animal was examined in the 10 days prior to the departure for Argentina.
If the animal or animals meet the above requirements, customs personnel will not quarantine it for import. Otherwise, they will be isolated or any other necessary measure will be taken.
Vaccines and other health requirements
As a general rule, Argentina's medical care is of good quality throughout the country. However, if you need to go to the emergency room or for any other non-routine reason, most private doctors require you to pay in advance.
For this reason it is recommended to hire a travel insurance that covers medical expenses abroad (eg medical transfer), as well as the entire duration of the stay in the country.
Below we list the vaccines that are needed to travel to Argentina:
- compulsory: yellow fever; only in case of visiting the forests of the north and northeast of Argentina, the border area with Brazil and Paraguay, and Cataract from Iguazú at altitudes less than 2300 meters above sea level.
- Highly recommended: seasonal influenza and measles (2 doses in babies from 13 months). It should be noted that the winter season is in April-October in the southern hemisphere.
- Advisable: hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, chickenpox (if not previously suffered) and enteric fever.
At the beginning of 2016, the first case of infection by the zika virus in Argentina, in the province of Córdoba. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the virus is expected to spread throughout Latin America.
In any case, the mosquito that transmits Zika (Aedes aegypti) it is the same that transmits diseases such as chikungunya or dengue. Of the latter, Argentina recorded the worst outbreak in the country's history in the first five weeks of 2016.
Other sanitary recommendations include the consumption of boiled, bottled or carbonated water, the application of repellent against mosquitoes and avoiding bathing in rivers or walking barefoot on water or humid floors.
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